Indoor Visitation For Resident
Indoor Visitation at all times for all residents if greater than 70% of residents are fully vaccinated. Testing not required, but ADHS encourages facilities in medium- or high-positivity counties to offer testing to visitors, if feasible. If so, facilities should prioritize visitors that visit regularly (e.g., weekly), although any visitor can be tested. We encourage our visitors to be tested on their own prior to coming to the facility. Indoor Visitation for unvaccinated residents and with less than 70% residents vaccinated Outdoor Visitation (no testing required) Visits for Compassionate Care, Medical, Dental, and Behavioral Healthcare, Clergy, (no test required) Offsite or community visitation Symptom Screening and Cloth Face Covering for all Visitors Physical Distancing (6 feet) *If the resident is fully vaccinated, the resident can choose to have close contact (including touch) with their visitor while wearing a well-fitting face mask and performing hand-hygiene before and after. Regardless, visitors should physically distance from other residents and staff in the facility. Communal Spaces Open Off site medical appointments as ordered by a medical professional Minimal
Sign Of Covid-19
We at CCC B&B Carehome educate our residents on the signs and symtoms of Covid-19 including trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, inability to wake or stay awake and bluish lips or face. If any of these signs develop they should Let their caregiver know immediately . residents who exibit systems will be evaluated and recommended to stay in their rooms or referred to facilities other than emergency departments. Mode recommended non-pharmaceutical interventions with your friends, family, and community
Outdoor Visitation
- Outdoor visitation is allowed at all times for all visitors.
Indoor visitation is allowed without testing with few exceptions, during high community transmission and during an outbreak at our facility.
Community spread is determined by the percent positivity of tests in each county as determined by CMS.
- Clarification on compassionate care visits, visits required under federal disability rights law.
- other legally permissible visits regardless of outbreak status or community transmission.
Requirements for visitations during a facility outbreak Screening of all visitors must continue.
Follow Steps To Wash Hands
Soap on Hand
Palm to Palm
Between Fingers
Back to Hands
Clean with Water
Focus on Wrist